
Advancing Your Digital Skills

The digital age is driving process improvements and automation thus creating new work forms and transforming society, governments, businesses and individuals’ lives with the advancement of technology. In addition, customers are asking for more, and for a faster delivery of goods and services.

The biggest barrier to transform an organisation is the required time investment: Time is a luxury which many owners of small and medium sized enterprises and managers of larger commercial and government organisations simply don’t have. The second and third largest barriers are the lack of know-how and knowledge of how organisations can be transformed, both at management and employee level.

ACDB will enable you to acquire the skills and tools to drive digital transformation in businesses and government organisations.

With more know-how and knowledge, you will be able to advance your digital skills and in turn, support your organisation in transforming and renewing its strategy, business model, products and services, and internal processes in order to financially succeed and drive a positive customer experience.

With further education and your newly acquired digital skills, you will make a difference in your business and in the workforce: Advance your career with one of ACDB’s accredited online learning programmes.

Barriers of Digital Transformation (Marc K Peter, 2017)

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