ACDB College Profile
ACDB is a new Australian management college dedicated to online learning and excellence in professional education.
The college was incorporated in 2019 in Sydney/Australia and has been providing its online programmes since 2020. The aim of ACDB is to provide high quality programmes supported by the latest research, frameworks and models; and practical applications of digital business management.
While digital business covers a large range of disciplines, ACDB specialises on three main topics relevant to modern businesses, namely digital transformation, digital leadership and digital marketing:
Digital Transformation
Learn how to transform your organisation and develop new digital strategies and business models in order to stay competitive in the digital age.
Digital Leadership
Learn how to lead transformational initiatives while engaging and motivating your employees, building culture and supporting them on a rewarding journey.
Digital Marketing
Learn how to develop and implement digital go-to- market strategies, ranging from marketing automation, content marketing, social media to digital channel management.
The foundation for ACDB’s digital transformation framework emerged from the research of Prof Dr Marc K Peter in Switzerland. Dynamic Transformation, a Swiss organisation, established ACDB in order to provide global, accredited training programmes in an online learning format.
ACDB thus offers the following qualifications from the Australian VET (Vocational Educational and Training) framework:
Advanced Diploma of Business
Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management
In addition, ACDB offers an upgrade path to a full MBA (Master of Business Administration) through its partner university, the Swiss government approved and state-owned University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW). The MBA programme can be completed almost entirely online in combination with four residence weeks (one week each) in Switzerland, China, Indonesia and Malaysia. Once you have been offered a place in the course, you can start at any time and complete the MBA programme in 18 – 24 months.
© 2019-2024 Australian College of Digital Business (ACDB) Pty Ltd, Sydney/Australia. All rights reserved.
RTO: 45605 / ABN: 85 634 533 903
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